Cover Wars: The Winner's Crime vs. The Heir

Cover Wars is a weekly showdown of two beautiful covers. The winner, as voted by you, goes on to face a new cover, and wins bragging rights. This is basically a fun way to discuss what we like in covers.

The Heir managed a narrow victory over Crimson Bound. Girl in the pretty dress prevails! But what if we make you pick between *two* girls in pretty dresses? That's right, The Heir is up against another big gun, The Winner's Crime.

For the record, I would buy both these books based off the covers. They are exquisite and beautiful in their simplicity. This is girl with a dress done right. The Heir supplements the girl in the stunning dress, holding a tiara, with mirrors and little lights in the sky. The Winner's Crime has the badass sword and if you look very closely the patterns of the dress and the floor are both quite beautiful. There is no wrong choice. 

But we're making you choose anyway. As always, you have one week to vote. It's a hard decision, we know, but someone's gotta make it!

Let the Cover Wars begin!


  1. I really don't love the angle of the dagger on The Winner's Crime pushing me to pick The Heir...AGAIN!

    1. I have to say it's not as complimentary was it was in The Winner's Curse with the words wrapped around the dagger. I understand.



What do you think?