Discussion: Second Chance Reads

A discussion with P.E. and Mari.

I'm reading Crown of Midnight right now and it's significant that I'm reading this book because I didn't like Throne of Glass. I found Throne of Glass completely unbelievable and couldn't suspend my disbelief in order to like the story. I've decided to give its sequel a shot because I've heard such great things about it, and people said it's better than the first. This got me thinking: do you ever give series another chance? 

I'm really happy that you decided to do so because I enjoyed the sequel considerably more than the first book. As for the topic of second chance reads, it is very, very rare for me to pick up a book once I've read and disliked the previous book. I just feel like there are so many books out there for me to read and I don't want to spend my precious time reading a story I disliked for good reason. I may give books a chance if I was on the fence about the first one but generally no.

I don't know. I'm an incredibly moody reader and usually books in series are quite spaced out. I've read books where I enjoyed the first, then read the second and didn't understand how I could enjoy the writing/characters/plot from before. I guess my opinion can change and that's why I can do second chance reading. I read the first, and since then I've read more, grown more, and can maybe go give it another try. Does your opinion of a certain book never change?

My opinions definitely change as time goes by but it depends on a book. I didn't like The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney an gave it a 2 star but as time went by I realized that I found nothing redeeming about the story and 1 starred it. On the opposite side of the spectrum, I read Jane by April Lindner and it took me a month to finish as I took a break in between and the story wasn't gripping. At that point I was sure I would DNF it, however after a break I came back, devoured it and 5 starred it. The same can not be said for any book, it really depends but yes it does happen.

So has that ever happened with a series? What does it take for you to reconsider? I know that right now, I'm pushing for you to reconsider Maggie Stiefvater and read The Raven Boys, (and The Dream Thieves) because I know you've sort of written her off, but I think it's a series you would enjoy. Plus, we need to talk about Gansey.

Honestly, it's a big mix of things but mostly it has to do with my mood. I felt like reading something classical when I picked up Jane which was a retelling of Jane Eyre. I've thought about giving The Raven Boys a chance but I have an issue with birds and so I think I would have a though time liking any guys associated with birds... But one day, there is always a chance. Another important factor is hype, we like to know that everyone's talking about and sometimes curiosity leads us to give books another try.

LMAO it's not about birds, silly! The private school they go to has the raven as their mascot or something. I think hype is big, just because it reminds me of why I should read the book. Crown of Midnight got insane hype, and I kept seeing so many positive reviews that it eventually wore me down.

Exactly. Essentially books come to our attention because of what we hear or read about them, even if it's the blurb of the book. Once a book wedges itself into our minds again, that is when we decide to give it another go; second change reads.

What do you think?


  1. Great question! Maybe we're just super fickle, but we'll usually give any book a chance if it seems interesting enough.

    1. No, that seems pretty reasonable, actually.


  2. I definitely give books second chances if they're books that I read a while ago and I think that my reading tastes might've changed. For example, Finnikin of the Rock! I actually DNFed it the first time I read it, but then I reread it last year and really enjoyed it. Same thing happened with Graceling :)

    1. Glad you gave those two another shot because those are two of my favourites! Glad you enjoyed them the second time around. I love when that happens, because tastes *do* change.


  3. I've been incredibly generous nowadays, and wouldn't be opposed to giving books a second go. I just read one, actually, that deserves a chance: Through to You by Laura Barnhold. I think that sometimes, giving a book another pass is a way to appreciate something you might've missed the first time you read it.

    1. Absolutely. I'm not as generous as you, but that's pretty much because I don't read as many books as I used to so if I don't like one book, I have a bunch more I want to read. So second chance reads occur rarely.


  4. I have to say, I rarely give a second chance to a series if I dislike the first book. But I have given second chances to books that didn't seem to be working for me the first time and ended up loving them and the whole series or trilogy on the second chance!


What do you think?