Cover Wars: Red Rising vs. Pointe

Cover Wars is a weekly showdown of two beautiful covers. The winner, as voted by you, goes on to face a new cover, and wins bragging rights. This is basically a fun way to discuss what we like in covers.

Pointe managed another win last week and as usual, it's back to face a new competitiro: Red Rising by Piece Brown. 

Red Rising is quite plain in comperison to Pointe but it still get the job done. The red of the cover corrisponds with the title nicely. It's simple but it stands out.

Let the Cover Wars begin!

Which cover should win Cover Wars? free polls 


  1. I'm going to change it up and go with Red Rising-it's tough though since both have red against a dark background.

  2. Since I'm not such a fan of the Pointe cover, I'm voting Red Rising :)

  3. I go for Pointe this time! It's so pretty!


What do you think?