Cover Wars: Love Letters To The Dead vs. Tandem

Cover Wars is a weekly showdown of two beautiful covers. The winner, as voted by you, goes on to face a new cover, and wins bragging rights. This is basically a fun way to discuss what we like in covers.

After a close battle, Tandem managed to prevail over the returning champion, A Shard of Ice. As always, this week the champion has returned to face it's new competitor, Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira.

Both covers have a modern, contemporary feel. The fonts are thin, the background has some sparkly detailing with colours fading in and out. It's also interesting how both covers manage to incorporate a model. Tandem's is more unique with the face inside the raven but Love Letters isn't far behind. The placement of the model and her pose is right on.

Let the Cover Wars begin!

Which cover should win Cover Wars? free polls 


  1. I like the darker colors on Love Letters so that's my pick!

    1. The colours are very appealing for sure.


  2. I really like the sunset colours on Love Letters To The Dead, so I'm voting for that one!


What do you think?