Cover Wars: Lois Lane: Fallout vs Unspeakable

Cover Wars is a weekly showdown of two beautiful covers. The winner, as voted by you, goes on to face a new cover, and wins bragging rights. This is basically a fun way to discuss what we like in covers.

Last week was an incredibly quiet battle, with Unspeakable ending up victorious. This week, Unspeakable will try to secure the win against Lois Lane: Fallout. 

These covers use different colour schemes, but are similar in their use of space. Unspeakable using enhanced silhouettes to illustrate a calm, cool vibe, whereas Fallout goes for the more dramatic look with dark, bold colours and bigger space. Most interestingly, both covers are very creative with their titles, and I for one love the fonts and the orientation of the text. What do you think?

As always, you have one week to vote for your favourite!

Let the Cover Wars begin!

Which cover should win Cover Wars? free polls


  1. The cover for Unspeakable is really pretty, but I like Fallout more! I love those bold colors. It's so cool looking and that's the one that makes me more curious about the book.

    1. I think pretty & bold are some good adjectives for these covers!


  2. Oh man, I've missed so many cover wars weeks now!
    These two are gorgeous and quite unique designs, not going with the usual but I'm more in love with Fallout cause the comic book style fits so well with the story cause Lois Lane!!

    1. I actually don't know much about Lois Lane... isn't she some superhero's girlfriend or something? Haha I'm so clueless when it comes to comics.


  3. GAH this was really tough. They're both so good!

    1. Haha that's exactly what we were going for!



What do you think?