Book that Scare Me

I'm sure we have all been intrigued by a book but have been scared to pick it up for any reason. It can be because of its rating, the hype, the length or just the feeling that it might disappoint.

I had this encounter earlier today when I went to Chapters with the sole purpose of buying a specific book, Ink by Amanda Sun. Once I got there and found the book, I started reading through it, getting a feel for things. The longer I looked through it the more anxious I got, until it hit me that it gave off a very twilight feeling. Using that as my excuse I ran out of the store with my tail between my legs.

On this note, I'm going to talk about 3 books that have scared me.

Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin

This one horrifies me. There is so much to be scared of the length, the hype, the inevitable comparison between it and its tv show. This fear has kept me from finishing the book on the multiple occasions that I borrowed the book from the library and vowed to finish it, each time I came up empty handed. One day I hope I can build up the courage to read this.

Scare Factor: length, hype, comparison

Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown

I heard of this one a few years ago from one of my friends who really enjoyed it and recommend it to me. So one day I bought the book, started reading it, realized I didn't understand half the things that were mentioned and it hasn't left my shelf ever since.

Scare Factor: length, language, hype, genre, age group

Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte

This is one of my favourite classics, I've watched multiple movie adaptions and absolutely adored them. I also read a modern retelling called Jane by April Lindner, which I also enjoyed. I also ended up buying the book but until this day it's been sitting on my book case collecting dust.

Scare Factor: length, language/writing, hype, movie, status(classic)

Am I the only one? 
I do this with everything: movies,shows, electronics, clothes you name it. I gather as much information I can before I finally sit down and watch/read it etc.


  1. I do this too! For one book in particular... The Book Thief. I've tried to read it four times, and each time I get a little further, but it's just that I can't get through 20 pages without bawling my eyes out, so I never finished.

    Glad I'm not the only one.

    PS: The DaVinci Code's overrated anyway. ;)

    1. The Book Thief is another one I've never been able to build up the courage to read and finish. The sense of inevitable tragedy is too strong for me to read it willingly. Thanks for visiting :)


  2. LOL. You know what, yes, we definitely do get intimidated sometimes. Hype is probably the #1 thing that concerns us; then maybe length (except for Sarah, who reads super fast!).

    Btw, both THE BOOK THIEF and JANE EYRE are totally worth it. ;)

    1. I try to not allow hype to scare me because hype is usually the reason I discover a book. Still, I can see why it does scare us so; though I wish it wouldn't :)


  3. I've been seeing quite a few mixed reviews of Ink, and though the concept and the setting both sound intriguing, I really don't want to read about yet another YA female protagonist who becomes obsessed with some guy. At first I was intimidated by the page count of A Game of Thrones, too, but once I'd read a few chapters, I was hooked and had to read the rest of the series. I hope you get the chance to try reading it again one day! :)

    1. That is exactly what worries me with Ink. I think I'm just going to wait until I get it from my library. The Game of Thrones is always on my mind and I really did enjoy the bit that I read, so I'm sure I will pick it up someday :)


  4. Jane Eyre is such a good book, you should definitely read it, nothing to be scared of:) Game of Thrones is indeed very long, you have to like that.
    I'm scared of reading The Fault in our Stars. I normally don't read books that make you cry, but I heard so many great things about it. So now I don't know whether to read it, I'm scared I'll get depressed or something:)

    1. Ah The Fault in Our Stars, that's definitely another one. I think I will have to suck it up and read it soon. I know it's going to be amazing but like you the tears scare me.


  5. I have been intimidated by loads of books but I really have to urge you to try Jane Eyre-I think it's actually pretty accessible especially if you just try to take it a chapter or so at a time and don't be afraid to read other opinions online or by posting as you go here.

    1. I think I'm going to take you up on it. I've been on the edge of reading Jane Eyre's for a while now and it's time to get a move on. And you make a good point, it'll take me a while but it'll be worth it in the end :) Thanks for the push!



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